Hidden Values

Hidden Values

HTML defines the tag input of type hidden to send text values from a web page to another web page. In database applications, hidden values allow moving a primary key value (or more values) from one web page to another during an SQL UPDATE or and SQL SELECT.

In order for two pages to share a hidden variable:
  1. Both pages must have the hidden variable
  2. The hidden variable must have the same name in both web pages
Using a similar procedure, it is possible to share any number of hidden variables among several pages.

Problem 1
Create a project called CateManagerWeb to edit and insert categories from a web application. Publish the web application to a web server using Anonymous Access.

Step A
Insert a Parent Node (a table). Then, insert a list view control.



Step B
Insert a button to insert categories. Set the button width to 100%.


Step C
Insert a button to edit categories. Set the button width to 100%.


Step D
Insert after the main table a hidden value to share the category_id between two web pages.




Step E
Add a new Web page Tools > Add Wintempla Item... > Web Page . In previous versions of Wintempla use: Project > Add New Item... > Wintempla Web Page .

Step F
Edit the CategoryPage web page as shown below.



Step G
Edit the CateManagerWeb.cpp file to include the CategoryPage.h file as shown below.


Step H
Edit the CategoryPage.h file as shown.

#pragma once //_____________________________________________ CategoryPage.h
#include "resource.h"

class CategoryPage: public Web::Page
          category_id = -1;
     int category_id;

Step I
Edit the CategoryPage.cpp file as shown.

#include "stdafx.h" //_____________________________________________ CategoryPage.cpp
#include "CategoryPage.h"

//#include "CategoryPage.h" //<< ADD THIS LINE IN THE CateManagerWeb.cpp FILE

void CategoryPage::Window_Open(Web::HttpConnector& h)
     category_id = hdCategoryID;
     if (category_id < 0) return; //______________________________________________ 1. It is an INSERT, nothing to do

     if (h.FirstTime == true)
          //__________________________________________________________________ 2. Create SELECT statement
          wstring cmd;
          Sys::Format(cmd, L"SELECT descr FROM category WHERE category_id = %d", category_id);
          //__________________________________________________________________ 3. Execute SELECT
          Sql::SqlConnection conn;
               //conn.OpenSession(DSN, USERNAME, PASSWORD); //Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Data Sources (ODBC)>Create dsn_myDatabase
               conn.OpenSession(NULL, CONNECTION_STRING);
               conn.BindColumn(1, tbxDescription, 64);
               if (conn.Fetch() == false)
                    this->MessageBox(L"No data was returned", L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
          catch (Sql::SqlException e)
               this->MessageBox(e.GetDescription(), L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);

void CategoryPage::btOK_onclick(Web::HttpConnector& h)
     Sql::StringBuilder sb(L"category", L"category_id", category_id);
     sb.Bind(L"descr", tbxDescription);

     Sql::SqlConnection conn;
     int rows = 0;
          //conn.OpenSession(DSN, USERNAME, PASSWORD); //Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Data Sources (ODBC)>Create dsn_myDatabase
          conn.OpenSession(NULL, CONNECTION_STRING);
          rows = conn.ExecuteNonQuery(sb.GetString());
          if (rows != 1)
               this->MessageBox(Sys::Convert::ToString(rows), L"Error -number of rows", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
     catch (Sql::SqlException e)
          this->MessageBox(e.GetDescription(), L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);

void CategoryPage::btCancel_onclick(Web::HttpConnector& h)

Step J
Edit the Index.h file as shown.

#pragma once //_____________________________________________ Index.h
#include "resource.h"

class Index: public Web::Page
     void UpdateListView();

Step K
Edit the Index.cpp file as shown.

void Index::Window_Open(Web::HttpConnector& h)
     //________________________________________________________ 1. Column Setup
     lvCategory.Cols.Add(LVCFMT_LEFT, 20, L"Name");

void Index::btInsert_onclick(Web::HttpConnector& h)
     hdCategoryID = -1;

void Index::btEdit_onclick(Web::HttpConnector& h)
     LPARAM category_id;
     if (lvCategory.GetSelectedData(category_id) == false) return;
     hdCategoryID = (int)category_id;

void Index::UpdateListView()
     Sql::SqlConnection conn;
          //conn.OpenSession(DSN, USERNAME, PASSWORD); //Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Data Sources (ODBC)>Create dsn_myDatabase
          conn.OpenSession(NULL, CONNECTION_STRING);
          conn.ExecuteSelect(L"SELECT category_id, descr FROM category", 100, lvCategory);
     catch (Sql::SqlException e)
          this->MessageBox(e.GetDescription(), L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);



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